Production of sea-class cabin boats
We have accumulated a fair amount of experience in this business, the first boat was built in 2004. More than 50 boats of different sizes were produced.
In particular, now in production there are cabin boats of the "CORSAIR" type with a length of 5.5 m, 7 and even 8.5 m.
These boats have one feature - they are all incredibly light! Aviation materials and technologies can reduce the weight from 70 kg to 1000 kg! This means that their actual load capacity is just as much higher. In addition, their hulls have extremely high strength, resistance to seawater and ultraviolet light.
You can order these vessels directly from the manufacturer.
Unfortunately, at the outbreak of hostilities in our city, a missile hit exactly in the production shop, destroying the matrices of large boats. Therefore, only 5.5 m boats can be produced at present.
Detailed specifications and photos can be found on the website: